2020 Rice Planters Amateur

Snee Farm Country Club

Mt. Pleasant, SC

June 23-25, 2020


The Rice Planters Amateur Golf Tournament was the inspiration of amateur golfer Dick Horne. During his first Porter Cup at the Niagara Falls Country Club in 1973, Horne befriended cup chairman Dick Harvey. Harvey encouraged a receptive Horne to develop his own southern tournament and, consequently, along with other Porter Cup officials, shared enough useful information to get Horne started in the South. That same year Horne, Tournament Chairman Ernie Chandler and other supporters organized the first Rice Planters Invitational Golf Tournament at Snee Farm Country Club in Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina. Horne, already equipped with the Porter Cup mailing list, set out to do some local recruiting. “It’s the most enjoyable thing I’ve ever done,” said Horne. His pioneering efforts found him in downtown Charleston diligently distributing flyers to anyone who wanted to play golf.


The Rice Planters Amateur Golf Tournament celebrates its 44th straight year – all of them being held at Snee Farm Country Club in Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina. We are proud of the quality of players who have been contenders at our course and added so much to the success of the tournament.

Rice Planters Amateur Champions